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Webflow 2024: Simplified Client Handovers and Management

May 3, 2024

To effectively manage client projects with Webflow in 2024, start by familiarizing yourself with the platform’s interface. Upon logging in, you're greeted by a dashboard showing your projects, serving as your navigation hub to access or create new projects. Once you select a project, it opens in designer view, where you can edit your site's visual elements. The left sidebar offers various elements to add to your pages, while the right sidebar lets you modify properties like typography and colors.

Setting up client permissions has been streamlined with Webflow 2024. From the dashboard, choose the project you wish to share. Enter the project settings and navigate to the users tab. Here, you can invite clients by entering their email addresses and select their access level, such as designer, editor, or viewer. The editor role is ideal for allowing clients to update text and images while preserving the integrity of your design.

Creating a style guide is essential for maintaining design consistency. In the designer view, create a new page labeled Style Guide. Populate this page with styled text blocks for brand fonts and color swatches for primary and secondary colors. Incorporate components like buttons and forms to demonstrate their design. This guide serves as a useful reference for clients, ensuring they understand design elements and can make consistent future edits.

For dynamic content management, setting up CMS collections is key. Access the CMS section on the Webflow dashboard and click Add Collection to choose a template for your content type, such as blog posts or products. Define fields for your collection, including titles, body text, and images. After setup, link the collection to a design element via CMS widgets. This setup empowers clients to manage content independently, maintaining site control while you oversee design.

Incorporate Webflow’s client-first workflow to enhance collaboration and communication. Set regular checkpoints with weekly or bi-weekly meetings to discuss progress and feedback. Utilize comments within Webflow to organize client feedback contextually on specific design areas. Share live preview links with clients to demonstrate changes before the final launch.

As the project nears completion, a thorough handover process is crucial. Conduct a final review to ensure all pages and functionalities operate as intended. Provide documentation that guides clients on content editing, CMS navigation, and page creation. Finally, transfer project ownership to the client through project settings, establishing them as the primary account holder.

By following these steps, you can significantly enhance project organization and client satisfaction, leading to successful outcomes and empowered clients capable of managing their own websites.