Insights and Inspiration – The Hostnicker Blog
July 1, 2024
Log into your Webflow account and open the project containing the form you want to edit. If you haven't created a form yet, add one by dragging a Form Block from the Add panel onto your Canvas.
Identify where the success and error messages will appear in your form. Error messages typically display near input fields after a user submits invalid input, while success messages appear upon successful form submission.
Add success and error message elements by dragging Text Blocks from the Add panel to where you want these messages to appear.
To style the error message, select its Text Block. In the Style panel, change the text color to a noticeable red, such as #FF0000. Set the font size between 16px and 18px for readability, add 10px of padding for visual appeal, and use a bold font weight to emphasize the message.
For the success message, choose a green color like #28a745. Keep the font size consistent with the error message at 16px to 18px, use 10px of padding, and apply a bold font weight to make it stand out.
Set up form validation by selecting your form and navigating to the Settings panel. Ensure input fields have validation rules, such as required fields or specified formats, to trigger the correct messages upon submission.
To add dynamic interactions, select your error message Text Block. Use the Interactions panel to create a new interaction that shows the error message when the form validation fails. Repeat this for the success message to appear upon successful submission.
Test your form by submitting both valid and invalid information to ensure the messages display correctly. Check that the styling is consistent across different devices and screen sizes.
Finally, publish your changes to make them live on your website by clicking the Publish button in Webflow. Following these steps can enhance the user experience by providing clear, well-styled messages during the form submission process.