Insights and Inspiration – The Hostnicker Blog

How to Create Looping Animations in Webflow

February 3, 2024

Step 1: Open your project in Webflow

Log in to your Webflow account and open the project you want to work on. If you don’t have a project yet, you can create a new one by selecting the New Project button and choosing a template or a blank canvas.

Step 2: Prepare the elements for animation

Decide which elements you want to animate. This could be images, text, buttons, or other components on your webpage. Ensure these elements are placed correctly in your layout for the best animation impact.

Step 3: Access the Interactions panel

To create animations, access the Interactions panel by looking for the tab resembling a lightning bolt on the right sidebar. Click on this tab to open the panel.

Step 4: Create a new interaction

Within the Interactions panel, click on the plus button to start a new interaction. Choose the type of animation you want, such as Page Load or Scroll Into View, depending on what fits best for your design.

Step 5: Add animation steps

After creating a new interaction, add animation steps by clicking on Add Animation. Choose the action you want, such as moving the element, changing its opacity, or rotating it. Adjust the duration, easing, and delay for each step to control how the animation plays out.

Step 6: Set the animation to loop

To make the animation loop, look for the option that allows you to set it to repeat. This might appear as a checkbox or a dropdown menu. You can also specify how many times it should loop, such as infinite or a set number.

Step 7: Preview your animation

Preview the animation to see how it looks in action by clicking on the Preview mode in Webflow. This helps identify any needed adjustments in timing or execution.

Step 8: Adjust and fine-tune

If the animation doesn’t feel right during preview, return to the Interactions panel to make adjustments. Modify the duration, easing, or other parameters until satisfied with the loop.

Step 9: Publish your changes

Once happy with your looping animation, publish the changes by clicking the Publish button in the upper right corner of the Webflow editor. Test the animation on different devices to ensure it looks great everywhere.

Step 10: Iterate and improve

Creating animations is often iterative. Revisit your animations over time to see if there are areas for improvement. As you gain experience, you’ll discover new techniques to better engage visitors through animations. Experiment with various animations and push the boundaries of your creativity. Happy animating!