Insights and Inspiration – The Hostnicker Blog
January 16, 2024
Setting Up Your Webflow Project
Before building the wishlist feature, ensure you have a Webflow project established with your store products. If you're starting from scratch, create a new project or open an existing one. From the Webflow dashboard, add the E-commerce functionality and populate your store with products to work with as you add the wishlist feature.
Create a Wishlist Collection
Go to the CMS Collections section in your Webflow dashboard. Click on "New Collection" and name it "Wishlist." Add relevant fields such as User reference (to link to the user who saved the item, if applicable), Product reference (to link to the product being saved), and Date added (to track when the item was added).
Designing the Wishlist Button
On your product page, drag and drop a button element where you'd like the wishlist button to appear. Style the button to match your store's theme, using common text like "Add to Wishlist" or a heart icon.
Implementing Wishlist Functionality Using Custom Code
Since Webflow doesn't natively support wishlist functionality, you'll need to use custom code. Access your project settings and navigate to the "Custom Code" tab. In the "Before </body> tag" section, add a JavaScript snippet that listens for clicks on the wishlist button and stores product IDs in local storage. Ensure each wishlist button in your product listing includes a data attribute specifying the product ID.
Creating the Wishlist Page
Add a new page for the wishlist, named appropriately. On this page, you'll pull in items based on the IDs stored in local storage. Place a code snippet in the "Before </body> tag" section of this page's settings to fetch and display the saved items. Create a div with the class "wishlist-container" where the products will be displayed.
Styling the Wishlist Page
Style the wishlist page and its contents to ensure they align with your store's aesthetic. Consider incorporating images, product titles, and links that enable users to return to product pages.
Testing the Wishlist Feature
Preview your Webflow site and test the wishlist functionality by adding products from product pages. Navigate to your wishlist page to confirm that items appear as expected and are pulled correctly from local storage. Check usability aspects like alerts when items are added to ensure smooth operation.
Publish Your Webflow Site
Once testing is complete and you’re satisfied with the wishlist feature, publish your website. Make sure to promote the wishlist feature to enhance user engagement and encourage returns to your store.