Insights and Inspiration – The Hostnicker Blog
April 10, 2024
To add multi-language forms to your Webflow project, follow these steps to cater to a diverse audience effectively.
Prepare Your Text
First, decide on the languages you want to include and prepare the text for each form field, button, and error message. Organize these translations in a document for easy reference.
Create Your Form in Webflow
Open your Webflow project and navigate to the desired page. Drag a Form Block onto your page from the Add panel. Customize the form fields as needed, using a default language initially.
Duplicate Your Form for Each Language
After setting up your form, create duplicates for each language. Copy your entire form and paste it below the original. Change the language for all elements in each duplicated form.
Use Stacking and Visibility Settings
Assign a unique class name to each form based on its language. Hide all forms except the default language form by adjusting the display settings in the Element Settings panel.
Set Up Language Selection
Add a Dropdown or Toggle element to your page for users to select their preferred language. Edit the Dropdown options for available languages.
Integrate Interactivity with Custom Code
To display the correct form based on the selected language, add a JavaScript snippet to the Custom Code section in Project Settings. This script should listen for changes in the Dropdown and toggle form visibility accordingly.
Test Your Multi-Language Forms
Publish your site and test the language selection Dropdown to ensure forms display correctly. Verify that form submissions work for each language.
Enhance User Experience
Consider using flags or icons for language options. Translate all form validation messages and style forms differently for each language to improve user engagement.
By following these steps, you can create a multi-language experience on your Webflow site, enhancing accessibility for users across different linguistic backgrounds. Regular testing ensures everything works smoothly and remains updated.