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Creating CMS-Based Testimonials in Webflow

April 29, 2024

Step 1: Setting Up the CMS Collection

To begin, open your Webflow project and navigate to the CMS section in the left-hand sidebar. Click on the "Add New Collection" button and name your collection, for instance, "Testimonials." You will need to add specific fields to your collection. Consider including fields such as:

- Name: A short text field to capture the customer's name.
- Position: A short text field for the customer’s job title or role (optional).
- Company: A short text field for the customer's company name (optional).
- Testimonial: A long text field for the content of the testimonial.
- Image: An image field for uploading a photo of the customer (optional).
- Rating: A number field for a star rating (optional).

Once you've added all desired fields, finalize by clicking “Create Collection.”

Step 2: Adding Testimonials

With your collection set up, start adding testimonials. Click on your newly created Testimonials collection in the CMS section, then click “Add New Testimonial.” Fill in the fields with the customer's information, ensuring you add any images if that was included as a field. After completing the information, save the testimonial. Repeat this process for each additional testimonial you want to add. You can always go back to edit or remove testimonials as necessary.

Step 3: Designing the Testimonials Section

Move on to designing the layout for showcasing the testimonials on your site. Navigate to the page where you wish to add the testimonials. Add a new section by dragging it onto the canvas at your desired location. Within this section, include a "Collection List" element, linking it to the Testimonials collection you've created. Choose your "Testimonials" collection from the "Get Items From" option in the settings panel. You are now ready to style each testimonial.

Step 4: Styling the Testimonials

Now, with your collection linked, start designing the display of each testimonial. Within the Collection List, select the Collection Item to commence styling. Begin by adding text elements for the customer's name, position, company, and testimonial content. If you have an image, include it here too. Use Webflow’s design tools to adjust typography, colors, spacing, and alignment to ensure they align with your brand. For a more engaging layout, think about adding transitions or hover effects, or even utilizing background colors or borders for each testimonial.

Step 5: Previewing and Publishing

Once your design is set, preview your section by selecting the eye icon in the top left corner to see how it looks. Make any necessary adjustments based on the preview. When satisfied, click the “Publish” button in the upper right corner to push your updates live to the website.

Additional Tips

To keep your testimonials section current, regularly update with new testimonials from customers. Encourage customers to provide feedback after successful interactions to expand your collection. If you have a large volume of testimonials, consider implementing filters or categories to improve navigability for users.

By following these steps, you've created an effective CMS-based testimonials section in Webflow. This feature can enhance the user experience, build trust with potential customers, and help distinguish your business from competitors.