Insights and Inspiration – The Hostnicker Blog
January 5, 2024
Begin by setting up a new project in Webflow. Choose either a blank canvas or a suitable template. Familiarize yourself with Webflow’s interface, especially if you're new to it.
Next, create the structure of your page. Add a new section for the parallax effect. Drag a new section onto the canvas from the Add panel. Set the height of the section to 100vh (viewport height) in the Styles panel by selecting the section and setting its height.
Add a background image to your section. Select the section, go to the Styles panel, and find the background settings to upload your image. Make sure to set the background image to cover the entire section by selecting "Cover" in the background settings.
To achieve the parallax effect, apply fixed positioning to the background. In the Styles panel for the section, locate the Background section and set the background attachment to "Fixed." This keeps the background image in place as the user scrolls.
Add content that will scroll over the fixed background image. Drag a div block into the section to hold your content like headings, text, buttons, or images. Customize these elements in the Styles panel.
Create additional sections for more scrolling effects. Add new sections, set backgrounds, and insert content. Keep each section's height to 100vh and style background images to maintain consistency.
Optimize your design for mobile devices using Webflow’s device switcher for desktop, tablet, and mobile views. Adjust text or element sizes for readability, hide certain elements on mobile, or alter backgrounds for a mobile-friendly design.
Publish your design and test the parallax effect. Click on the Publish button and open your site in various browsers and devices to ensure smooth scrolling behavior and functionality.
Fine-tune your parallax effect after testing. Adjust background image opacities, add animations as content enters the viewport, or use interactions to enhance user engagement further.
Explore further customization once you master basic parallax effects. Dive into interactions and animations to create more complex scrolling effects or experiment with different background settings to enhance your web design skills.